Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wrist Tattoo Designs

TattoosThe popularity of the wrist tattoo is growing as we can see that a number of top celebrities getting them. Ashlee Simpson has wrist tattoo with a star and a word of "love" tattoo. Nicole Ritchie has a red shooting star on her left wrist and the word "virgin" on her right. Britney Spears has a lips tattoo. We can see Lindsay Lohan’s wrist tattoo is the word "breathe" in white on her right and a small star tattoo on inner left wrist. Orlando Bloom's wrist tattoo is the Elvish word, "nine".


Many will choose to have the wrist tattoo located inner wrist. They are very popular because it is easier to hide it. Some like to have their wrist tattoo on top of their wrist combined with a tattoo sleeve or hand tattoos. Tattoos encircle the wrist like a bracelet is also very popular now. This type of tattoo is just like an armband tattoo but much lower. Wrist band tattoos are usually celtic knots or barbed wire. Nautical stars and words are probably the most commonly used wrist tattoos. In addition to English words, kanji and Sanskrit are often used. Women sometimes get flowers, hearts, or kissing lips tattoos. Jessica Alba’s wrist tattoo is a Sanskrit character for lotus flower on her.

Although it is so attractive and popular, there are some points that you need to note. You would expect they are painful to get. It is because there is little to cushion the needle in the wrist area. Besides, since the wrist area is exposed and mobile, the healing time can be longer and touching up may be required. While at work, I do think that you need to keep the wrist tattoo hidden. You are suggested to wear long sleeves all the time. I have a great trick for you. Please wear a wristwatch which is large enough to cover it. After working hours, you can take off the watch and show off your wrist tattoo.

Even there are some drawbacks, the wrist is a great location for a tattoo that you can hide or show off as you like. It is a rising number of top celebrities sport wrist tattoos. There are many types of wrist tattoos including stars, words, and wrist bands to choose from. After you have done your homework then you will be ready to get such stunning ink.


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